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This simple observation that I see a lot of people miss could be costing you money. What I am talking about is distance and touch.

Before moving into the world of corporate speaking and corporate entertainment I had my own joinery company, I significantly remember a time I was with a client in a kitchen showroom trying to decide upon the style of kitchen that they wanted.

The sales rep in the showroom was a great guy but was desperately trying to sell them a kitchen that what was the most popular or trendy at that time. I noticed that my clients were slowly moving (physically) towards a more traditional wooden style kitchen, it got to the point where my client my physically touching this other style of kitchen.

The sales rep didn’t notice this and was still trying to get buy-in on the 'trendy' kitchen.

I eventually said ’this is more what you’re looking for isn’t it?’, highlighting the product that they were leaning on. With a surprised look they instantly replied yes and so the sales rep quickly changed what he was trying to sell and consequently got the deal…. thanks to me!

The client later asked me how I knew that kitchen was the one they wanted….. I explained that they had been turning towards and getting closer and closer to the kitchen the entire time. They didn’t even realise they had been doing it.

Your clients, customers, friends, colleagues may be non verbally telling you exactly what they want, but you are not seeing it.

We will face, get close to and touch things we have positive feelings about, are interested in and drawn towards, so observe what is happening, look at where your customers attention is focused where is their body pointing and what are they trying to get close to.

This is a simple yet powerful tip is a strong reminder to be on your game and not miss things that are happening right in front of you.

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Thanks for watching, I will see you in a future video,

Anthony Laye - Take Action Create Your Story.

Corporate Speaker, Corporate Entertainment.

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